Eiwor Backelund Jacobsson
Phone. +46 70 2622946
Runnebol 3211, 68196 Kristinehamn, Sweden
GC Tools is a small company with a large professional, global network. We can easily put together professional teams to work with larger organizations or to work in different languages and cultures. Online work is our speciality. We have worked online in international teams and organizations for at least 15 years.
We focus on supporting leaders as they build new foundations and create transformation within their organizations. We help leaders gain confidence that they are moving in the right direction and to stay calm through the inevitable storms caused by the change. Our preferred mentoring approach is the Genuine Contact™ Program.

The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.
…unknown origin

The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.
…unknown origin