Next Generation Leadership Now!
The whole world needs the next generation leadership to replace outdated authoritarian, paternalistic and top-down leadership approaches. This is a call for you and me to step forward and take action. Next generation leadership is not about developing upcoming leaders, about some young people that we might descry in the distant future. It is about all of us, who one way or the other execute leadership in our daily lives, being parents and grandparents, siblings, team members, teachers, nurses etc. Each profession, occupation and situation come with opportunities to enact leadership.
The rapid and sometimes bewildering changes that is and will always be a part of our experience, requires leadership that is deeply rooted in principles and values that embrace humanity, diversity and sustainability. The world needs leadership pursuance that is consistent when everything around is falling apart. It needs leadership that can function independent of organizational position, and that is attentive, creative and unifying.
The next generation leadership is an action, not a position. It is an action with the common good in mind, whether that is the common good for your co-workers, family, fellow citizens and/or the next generation. When practicing this kind of leadership, we take responsibility for what is needed here and now and consider the impact of our actions that go beyond our own closest circle, beyond our nearest town and country boarders and beyond our own lifetime.

Practicing Next Generation Leadership
Next Generation Leadership includes…
- Creating and sustaining genuine relationships with oneself and others
- Embracing the great value of diversity, in people, in cultures, in nature
- Constant and conscious reflection about values, motive and approach
- Co-creating the future of our society through your daily work
- Cultivating lifelong learning and development, individually and collectively
People who pursue an approach such as the next generation leadership, have an open and direct channel between their inner and outer work. Their wisdom, capacity and victories of their inside development will show on the outside, in actions and behaviors towards other people and in how they think about and approach the world.
When you enter the next generation leadership journey, you become a gardener, whose intention is to protect, nourish and grow your inner garden. When you do so, your flowers and fruits will be valuable, not only for yourself but for the outside world as well.
Nurturing a Culture of Leadership
The next generation leadership journey can be easier with some protection and nourishment. A Culture of Leadership could serve as a protective environment, almost like a greenhouse. It provides a strong foundation that you can always return to when the road becomes unclear and bumpy.
Building a Leadership Support System
The Leadership Support System consists of your physical environment and a toolbox, that consolidates the foundational value structure that the next generation leadership approach is built on.
How can we support your next generation leadership journey?
Book a free meeting to discuss how we can help you fuel your leadership capacity.

If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.
Stephen R Covey

If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.
Stephen R Covey