When you have an urgent need to learn and/or when you want to add just that little bit of extra knowledge to your toolbox, self-study courses could be of great value. They allow you to learn at any time of the day and without any stress to grasp everything at once. You can take them over and over, try one thing and then come back for the next steps.
These short and very practical courses are rooted in the Genuine Contact™ Program. We have gathered our long experience from working with the Genuine Contact™ approach in many different situations in organizations. Our experience has led us to design these courses, sharing what has showed to make a difference in our work. The self-study courses are easily accessible and can be taken very quickly whenever you have time.

Leading Engaging & Effective Online Meetings will quickly teach you how to lead collaborative, energizing online meetings. If you want to do a webinar, look somewhere else. This is a course about how to tap into collective wisdom and use it to solve urgent problems in your organization. It is about how to invite real collaboration, creativity and genuine relationships. This course is useful when you plan board meetings, project and team meetings where you want to draw on the collective wisdom to develop solutions to urgent problems or needs.
Richard Schultz and Eiwor Backelund Jacobsson have merged their 20 years of knowledge from online collaboration and created this course by working together online from Canada and Sweden. The course contains 39 learning steps with videos, text, diagram explanations and demonstrations, downloadable exercises and tools to help you plan, design and prepare meetings.

Meetings that Engage teaches an effective way to start a meeting to engage people and enhance collaboration. Using the practical Transfer-In tool helps participants to fully engage in the meeting and with the topic at hand. You will experience and learn how this reduces typical wastes-of-time because of conflict, positioning and other dynamics and helps people become aware of their intention for coming to the meeting.
Ad van Roosmalen and Eiwor Backelund Jacobsson share how they have been leading meetings for more than 20 years, using this tool with boards, project teams, steering committees, politicians, university professors, or municipality managers.
The course includes audio recording of the original workshop, the workshop presentation and a guidebook.

Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.
…unknown origin

Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.
…unknown origin