Genuine Contact Authorization workshop
4 half days online with practical application in a chosen project in between. Swedish/English language. If you are interested in taking this workshop, please contact us for more information. The workshop could be done with 1-8 people.
Contact us for more information
When you have learnt the tools and processes of the Genuine Contact program and want to teach them to your colleagues, to another bransch of your organization or as an external consultant, this workshops gives you the authorization.
Train the Trainer teaches the mastery of applying Genuine Contact in different situations in your work in a very practical way. It will support you to find your leadership potential and a steady foundation for future work with Genuine Contact. The workshop helps you get more connected to the International Genuine Contact Organization and the local GC Hubs for ongoing learning and support in your work.
If you have taken the Train the Trainer already, this is an offer to do it again to retain and go deeper with your learning. Pre-requisites for taking Train the Trainer are: Working with Open Space Technology, Whole Person Process Facilitation, Cross Cultural Conflict Resolution, Genuine Contact Organization, Path to Organizational Health and Balance and Achieving Organizational Health and Balance.
In this workshop you will:
- Increase your understanding of the potential of the Genuine Contact™program
- Deepen your skills of facilitating and teaching the Genuine Contact way
- Master the application of the Genuine Contact tools and methods in different situations in your work
- Expand your understanding of Genuine Contact as a key to growth and evolution
- Increase your leadership capacity to support healthy and balanced organizations
- Find support to create practical strategies to move your vision forward in the world
- Be authorized to teach the Genuine Contact Program and use workbooks and resources
- Be invited to become a Co-Owner of the Genuine Contact Program and lead the development of the international organization forward

The online workshop consists of 4 sessions where we journey the learning process together, get input and feedback on projects and answers to questions. Your teacher will always be available for discussions through email between the sessions. We will use Qiqochat as our workshop venue.
The workshop fee is SEK 12.500 ex VAT, including workbook, workshop materials and workshop leadership. We offer a discount to members of the International Genuine Contact Organization. Interested? Contact us today to discuss terms and conditions for your participation.

Workshop Leader
Eiwor Backelund Jacobsson, Genuine Contact Trainer with many years of experience as a leader of businesses, associations and projects. Being one of the first authorized trainers of the Genuine Contact ™ Program, she has taught the program components to hundreds of people in Sweden and internationally and used them in her consulting work and in the daily work of the organizations she has been leading. Her main focus today is to support leaders in organizations by offering the Train the Trainer and Holistic Leadership Development workshops.