Culture of Leadership. Extraordinary Leadership for Sustainable Organizations. Eiwor Backelund Jacobsson. E-book in English.
“It is important to know that leadership is something you learn eventually and both knowledge and practice are needed. You can´t only practice swimming on the beach but you will need to jump into the water and experience both belly flops and involuntary gulps of water. But it pays off to dare because suddenly you can make it and then it is great fun (most of the time).”
Many of the stories in this book come from Eiwor´s long experience of taking leadership, in politics, in voluntary non-profit organizations and in liberal adult learning organizations. She also has years of experience taking leadership positions in the International Genuine Contact Organization, a membership organization where Genuine Contact Professionals gather to increase their leadership capacity and provide their clients and employers with the best possible outcomes.
For more information and purchasing the English e-book, contact Eiwor.

The Genuine Contact Way. Nourishing a Culture of Leadership. Birgitt Williams. Printed book in English.
Birgitt Williams connects her own long experience as leader and senior consultant with the theoretical background she has researched during the years and that is underpinning her work. Her care with words and her openness with her foundational values, give us access to a deep understanding of how genuine contact can change individuals and collectives. The clear statements about where her understanding comes from invites us to be as clear with our own foundational beliefs and assumptions.
“You are reading this book because you now want to embrace your courage and rise above your fear of achieving your fullest well-being, the well-being of any organization that you are in, including your family, and the well-being of humanity. In reading this book and participating in the Genuine Contact way of living and working to the extent that is right for you, you are committing to grow and expand to the fullness of who you are, learning to use your full potential.”
For more information and purchasing the book, contact Eiwor.

Cooking with Genuine Contact: Recipes & Memories from Raleigh. Eiwor Backelund Jacobsson, Rachel Bolton. Pictures by Anders Johansson.
Food is a great connector and creator of genuine contact. Sharing a meal around a table often facilitates deep conversations and learning. This cookbook is a collection of recipes from when the Genuine Contact™ Program became international and people from around the world started to gather in the home of the founders, Birgitt and Ward Williams. Rachel and Eiwor, who shared most of the cooking experience during the first ten years, brought with them their cultural food heritage and merged it with ideas and recipes from the people who joined the Genuine Contact workshops.
This book is available at Amazon.

Muufo, piroger och kåldolmar. En matresa med Potatisgårdens vänner. Eiwor Backelund Jacobsson, Eva Nilsson.
This book is only in Swedish
Följ med på vår spännande matresa!
Den här kokboken är resultatet av möten mellan människor från många olika länder och kulturer. Tillsammans har vi lagat våra traditionella och mest älskade recept och lärt känna varandra och varandras kulturer. Resultatet av alla möten är mycket mer än en kokbok. Det är också ny vänskap, glädje och skratt, färgrika måltider och spännande smakupplevelser.
I boken finns recept som har hundraåriga traditioner, recept som bara ”suttit i fingrarna” och skrivits ned medan maten lagades och recept som får oss att minnas. Några av alla minnen som berättats i köket har vi skrivit ned. Vi hoppas du blir inspirerad att laga några av rätterna tillsammans med dina gamla och nya vänner.
Boken kan köpas från Adlibris.

Learn from the mistakes of others, you can´t live long enough to make them all yourself.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Learn from the mistakes of others, you can´t live long enough to make them all yourself.
Eleanor Roosevelt